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- Submission of Manuscript is Open: Submit Your Papers Now
Submission of Manuscript is Open: Submit Your Papers Now

The Journal of Political Science (JPS) is the official journal of the Department of Political Science, GC University, Lahore. The JPS is an annual research journal which has been in publication since 1978 and so far, it has published 38 issues. It is available both online and in paperback. It publishes peer-reviewed original articles concerning to Political Science and includes articles on International Relations, Public Policy and Governance and regional studies.
HEC Recognized Y Category Journal
ISSN (print): 1726-6467
ISSN (online): 2709-8672
· Issues per year: 1
· Mode of publication: Online and Hard copy
The JPS welcomes the submission of research articles revolving around the field of political science.
Submission Process: Authors are kindly invited to submit their formatted full papers with complete information through the email at jps@gcu.edu.pk. All paper submissions will be blind peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to conference and readability. Please read complete submission and formatting guidelines before submitting your paper.
Last date of paper submission for next volume: 15th December, 2022.
For submission details and more, please visit: http://jps.gcu.edu.pk/website/